Saturday, October 30, 2004

Developer Events and Conferences: Microsoft DevDays 2004 Streaming Sessions

Developer Events and Conferences: Microsoft DevDays 2004 Streaming Sessions: "Microsoft DevDays 2004 Streaming Sessions
Now you can access recordings of the Microsoft DevDays 2004 sessions."

LEARNXMLWS online book

My book is back online

Also a quick reference book:

Friday, October 29, 2004

.NET Dashboard : HTTP Requests and Handlers

.NET Dashboard ASP.NET Under the Hood – Intercepting HTTP Requests
By now, you've learned how easy it is to build Web applications and Web services with .NET—but now you want MORE. You want to intercept raw HTTP requests as they arrive at your Web server's door, and manipulate them right out from under ASP.NET. You want a closer look at raw data, so you can pre-process information, or redirect traffic. This discussion will start with a quick review of ASP.NET application architecture, then get under the hood of the HTTP round-trip, followed by a discussion out how to "butt-into" HTTP requests using techniques such as HTTP modules, handlers, handler factories, and SOAP extensions.

Smart Client Permissions

Wonders of Windows Forms

Increasing Permissions for Web-Deployed Windows Forms Applications

Chris Sells
Sells Brothers Consulting

November 5, 2002

Summary: Chris Sells discusses permissions in .NET and how you can adapt the object model to protect smart clients while allowing well-known assemblies or sites to have additional permissions to provide users with additional services. (8 printed pages)

Download the winforms11122002.exe sample file.

Thinking Machine 4: About

Thinking Machine 4: About The artwork is an artificial intelligence program, ready to play chess with the viewer. If the viewer confronts the program, the computer's thought process is sketched on screen as it plays. A map is created from the traces of literally thousands of possible futures as the program tries to decide its best move. Those traces become a key to the invisible lines of force in the game as well as a window into the spirit of a thinking machine.

Tuesday, October 26, 2004

.Net Stuff SOME links

.Net Stuff

Monday, October 25, 2004

Setting up a new .Text site (personal)

Setting up a new .Text site (personal)

Friday, October 22, 2004

Download details: Microsoft ASP.NET ValidatePath Module

Download details: Microsoft ASP.NET ValidatePath Module

Implementing Two-Way Control Binding for Web Forms

:: CoDe Magazine ::: "This article examines what's wrong with simple data binding and provides a set of subclasses, making data binding a lot quicker and requiring much less manual code."

This will demo how to add new properties to a control via subclassing.
Implements strategy pattern.

Unit Testing in .NET

:: CoDe Magazine ::: "Unit Testing in .NET

You have been given the task of creating some business objects for a new .NET project. The UI has not been created (or designed) yet, so you start coding right away. After creating the first few objects, you decide that maybe you should do some unit testing. How?"

Thursday, October 21, 2004

Discussions in dotnet.framework.aspnet

Discussions in dotnet.framework.aspnet

My First VS2005 C# App: MSNBC Newspaper App

My First VS2005 C# App: MSNBC Newspaper App

A First Look at ASP.NET v 2.0: Sorting and Paging Rows in a GridView Control

A First Look at ASP.NET v 2.0: Sorting and Paging Rows in a GridView Control

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Technical Chats at Microsoft: Chat live with Microsoft technology experts

Technical Chats at Microsoft: Chat live with Microsoft technology experts

Thursday, October 14, 2004

ASPNET webcast to attend


TopXML : XML Tools, XML Articles and XML Learning Tutorials

TopXML : XML Tools, XML Articles and XML Learning Tutorials

The #1 online source for .NET/XML and Web Service Topics

The #1 online source for .NET/XML and Web Service Topics - Tons of XML examples in code.

Saturday, October 02, 2004

How To: Queue Messages Using the WSMQ Web Service

How To: Queue Messages Using the WSMQ Web Service: "This morning, I uploaded a project containing a client base class called WSMQBase to the WSMQ workspace which demonstrates one way to queue messages with WSMQ. You can use this base class from within your applications to create queue components. WSMQBase handles the dirty work of connecting to a WSMQ Queue, initially creating the queue, and also making secure WSE2.0 web service requests. "

Propagating MSDTC transactions

Propagating MSDTC transactions: "MSDTC offers two types of propagation for transactions: Export/Import (the most known one) and Transmitter/Receiver. The semantic difference between the two is that the Export/Import is a 'push' model (the transaction is 'pushed' to the remote machine at the moment when Export is called), while Transmitter/Receiver is a 'pull' model (the transaction is 'pulled' from the remote machine, only and only when Unmarshal is called)."

Ch 9: Using Code Access Security with ASP.NET

Ch 9: Using Code Access Security with ASP.NETSummary: With the .NET Framework version 1.1 you can configure an ASP.NET Web application or Web service to run with partial trust to improve security by constraining its ability to access system level resources and resources owned by other applications. This chapter shows you how ASP.NET code access security policy works, how to configure it and how to develop Web applications for partial trust environments. The chapter explains how to sandbox resource access, for example code that accesses databases, the event log and Web services so that it can successfully run at reduced trust levels.

Integrating PayPal Payments into E-Commerce Applications with ASP.NET

Integrating PayPal Payments into E-Commerce Applications with ASP.NET: "E-Commerce applications require mechanisms for payment. Although more commonly than not e-Commerce sites will use full credit card processing gateways, giving PayPal as an additional option of payment provides additional payment options for your customers, especially those that don�t want to pay by credit card over the Internet. If you run a Web shop that uses direct credit card processing and want to integrate PayPal seamlessly, you�ll find that using PayPal as a processing service is not as straight forward as using a payment gateway. In this article I describe how you can minimize the external PayPal interaction and work the PayPal payment into the order processing workflow to provide a seamless interface using ASP.NET and C#. However, the principles used here should be applicable to any Web programming environment."

Making sense of ASP.Net Paths - Rick Strahl's WebLog

Making sense of ASP.Net Paths - Rick Strahl's WebLog: "ASP.Net a plethora of properties to retrieve path information about the current request, control and application. To keep things straight I thought it'd be a good idea to summarize those options briefly along with describing some common scenarios of how they might be used"

ASP.NET Development Center Home: Using HTTP Modules and Handlers to Create Pluggable ASP.NET Components

ASP.NET Development Center Home: Using HTTP Modules and Handlers to Create Pluggable ASP.NET Components

Summary: In this article, Scott Mitchell and Atif Aziz show how you can use HTTP modules and handlers to add error logging to your ASP.NET applications. (22 printed pages)

Download the MSDNElmah.msi sample file.