Sunday, February 22, 2004

Visual Studio.NET and PHP Coloring

Visual Studio.NET and PHP Coloring

Thursday, February 19, 2004

Configuring an ASP.NET Application for an ASP.NET Version

Configuring an ASP.NET Application for an ASP.NET Version

Web Applications: Rich Custom Error Handling with ASP.NET (ASP.NET Technical Articles)

Web Applications: Rich Custom Error Handling with ASP.NET (ASP.NET Technical Articles)

Jonsie.Net Blog on S.C.

All about smart client development and deployment
Jonsie.Net Blog

VISUAL STUDIO .NET TIPS - searchVB: Dynamic drill-down DataGrid

This is one of the first articles that I found about hierarchical datagrids from Bob Tabor - the LearnVisualStudio Guy

Keeping Passwords Secure

This is a refresher article on ASP.NET security. The two most popular authentication types are Windows Authentication and Forms Authentication. Windows Authentication is suited for small departmental intranet while Forms Authentication is for more users such as in Internet websites. We all know that passwords are not supposed to be stored in database but instead, we should compute for the Hash and compare it to the hashed input at runtime. Salting is an additional technique to make hashes 'unedible' (I would say) and thwarts the so called dictionary attacks.

Tuesday, February 17, 2004

.NET Developer's Journal

.NET Developer's Journal

Saturday, February 14, 2004

Create an Indigo Application

Msdn article which shows you how to create an Indigo application using the PDC bits. Indigo is the next web services technology of Microsoft.

Coding Best Practices Using DateTime in the .NET Framework

.NET Framework Home: Coding Best Practices Using DateTime in the .NET Framework (.NET Development (General) Technical Articles)

SourceGear Vault: Downloads

SourceGear Vault: Downloads: "Current version: 2.0 � 13 February 2004
SourceGear Vault is a version control system for Windows developers. It is built entirely on the .NET Framework and uses SQL Server 2000 for all repository storage.
All SourceGear products may be installed as a demo for evaluation purposes. When functioning as a demo, our products are complete, with all features enabled for thirty days. To upgrade from a demo to a purchased product, you will not need to reinstall any software. The serial number you receive when you make your purchase will enable the product to function permanently.

(15.0 MB)

Demo Serial NumberThis is used to install the Vault Server. It contains the Vault Client and Admin Tool as well. To run the server you will need a serial number.

This is the serial number you will need to run the demo server.
(4.4 MB)This installer contains only the Client
Admin Tool
(2.6 MB)This installer contains only the Admin Tool
SourceSafe Import Tool
(2.3 MB)The SourceSafe Import Tool is used to migrate data from your SourceSafe database into a Vault repository. It must be run on the machine where SourceSafe is installed, but it does not need to be on the same machine as the Vault Server.
Client API
(1.1 MB)Strictly speaking, the Vault Client API is currently unsupported. This means that it is subject to change and its documentation is incomplete. Nonetheless, this library can be used to create custom Vault clients for specific needs.
MSDE 2000
(68.4 MB)The Vault Server requires SQL Server 2000. As a no-cost alternative, Vault is compatible with MSDE. MSDE is a stripped-down version of SQL Server 2000 with certain limitations. MSDE databases are limited to no more than 2 GB. The performance of MSDE may degrade if used by more tha"

Thursday, February 12, 2004

Patch for the Visual Studio Bug - Data Loss

Data Loss Fix for Visual Studio .NET

Tools for a Web Service World...

Tools for a Web Service World...:
Im in the process of preparing a Web Service hands on workshop. Therefore I was going to consolidate my favorite WS-tools. Here we go:

1. SoapScope 3.0 - sniffing SOAP messages and analyzing WSDL
2. OmniOpera 1.5 - creating, editing and viewing WSDL
3. XmlSpy 2004 Home Edition - for all the XSD work
4. WsContractFirst v0.2 - proxy and server code generation (a replacement for wsdl.exe)
WS-I Testing Tools Analyzing WS-I BP 1.0a conformance of WSDL and SOAP messages

Tuesday, February 03, 2004

Good Intro to Partial Types

Playing with Partial Types

Sunday, February 01, 2004
