.NET Weblogs @ ASP.NET: "Want to achieve it ? (In SQL Query Analyzer)
I found every MS Employee (SQL guys) doing this...so I decided to learn it thier way :)
Bookmarks: Clear all bookmarks.CTRL-SHIFT-F2
Bookmarks: Insert or remove a bookmark (toggle).CTRL+F2
Bookmarks: Move to next bookmark.F2
Bookmarks: Move to previous bookmark.SHIFT+F2
Cancel a query.ALT+BREAK
Connections: Connect.CTRL+O
Connections: Disconnect.CTRL+F4
Connections: Disconnect and close child window.CTRL+F4
Database object information.ALT+F1
Editing: Clear the active Editor pane.CTRL+SHIFT+DEL
Editing: Comment out code.CTRL+SHIFT+C
Editing: Copy. You can also use CTRL+INSERT.CTRL+C
Editing: Cut. You can also use SHIFT+DEL.CTRL+X
Editing: Decrease indent.SHIFT+TAB
Editing: Delete through the end of a line in the Editor pane.CTRL+DEL
Editing: Find.CTRL+F
Editing: Go to a line number.CTRL+G
Editing: Increase indent.TAB
Editing: Make selection lowercase.CTRL+SHIFT+L
Editing: Make selection uppercase.CTRL+SHIFT+U
Editing: Paste. You can also use SHIFT+INSERT.CTRL+V
Editing: Remove comments.CTRL+SHIFT+R
Editing: Repeat last search or find next.F3
Editing: Replace.CTRL+H
Editing: Select all.CTRL+A
Editing: Undo.CTRL+Z
Execute a query. You can also use CTRL+E (for backward compatibility).F5
Help for SQL Query Analyzer.F1
Help for the selected Transact-SQL statement.SHIFT+F1
Navigation: Switch between query and result panes.F6
Navigation: Switch panes.Shift+F6
Navigation: Window Selector.CTRL+W
New Query window.CTRL+N
Object Browser (show/hide).F8
Object Search.F4
Parse the query and check syntax.CTRL+F5