.NET stuffings and MICROSOFT (C) technologies
Tuesday, September 30, 2003
Thursday, September 18, 2003
Wednesday, September 17, 2003
Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) for DataGrid
823030 - FIX: DataGrid Made Compliant with Section 508 of the Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) Guidelines
Friday, September 12, 2003
Creating Download functionality in a ASP.NET page
private void btnDownload_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
PDFDocument doc = GetPDFInvoice( );
Response.ContentType = "application/x-msdownload";
Response.AddHeader( "content-disposition", "attachment;filename=invoice.pdf" );
doc.SaveToStream( Response.OutputStream );
Response.Flush( );
Response.End( );
I also found a new tool for creating PDF documents O2 Solutions - Professional tools for professional developers
The DataGrid Revisited
DotNetJunkies: The Datagrid Revisited: Editing a Live Database in Template Columns
Wednesday, September 10, 2003
ADO.NET Tricks: Debugging Datasets
This is a cool tip from Tim Sneath at site and ADO.NET tricks and tips
When you're debugging code with Visual Studio .NET, it's really hard to see what data is currently contained within a DataSet. Sure, the Locals window will show any DataSet objects currently in scope, but finding out what data is contained within them is not easy.
Two good ways of accessing this information both revolve around the XML methods available on the object. Firstly, if you've got a console window associated with your application, you can do:
which uses the stream-based overload of the WriteXml method to dump the DataSet to the console.
It's even easier if you've got a VS.NET Command window open (hit Ctrl+Alt+A). Make sure you're in immediate mode by entering immed, and then simply run:
? ds.GetXml()
This dumps the contents of the DataSet to the Command window. "
Tuesday, September 09, 2003
Wednesday, September 03, 2003
Security Update stopped my ASP.NET apps
I found out that my web applications have suddenly stopped working unexplainably. As usual, I tried to repair the mappings with aspnet_regiis.exe utility but the ol' trick did not fix the problem. Searching through Google, I came to find out that this is a bug side effect when the latest Microsoft security update was installed. Microsoft has already addressed this issue and it says it only affects Windows XP Professional. The error is explained in this msdn article.
There is also a forum dedicated to this problem which is found at ASP.NET Web moderated by ScottGu. A link to a batch file is posted at the site to fix the problem. It's a quick fix and easy to apply.